Thursday, 30 March 2023

Directive on equal pay, a dangerous chimera

The EU is getting closer to adopting another directive. The draft is called: DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms (link to a full text here). The alleged reasons for such regulation are claimed to be lack of pay transparency and the gender pay gap.

Thursday, 23 March 2023

Is European Union able to reform?

European Union needs to be reformed. This is a statement that most of the politicians from both left and right wing would agree. The left-wing liberals would like to see EU as a federation resulting in slow dissolution of national states in general while the right-wing supporters would like the return to the early stages of EU when the idea was about free trade and not interfering into every aspect of human lives. While I don't believe that federalization of EU is a viable way (as elaborated here), I am going to focus more on the other idea, returning to the initial ideas of the EU that I, as a right wing conservative, find appealing.  

Thursday, 9 March 2023

The hypocrisy of the EU

I have written in the previous article that I consider the behaviour and thinking of the EU and its leaders arrogant. While I was thinking about that, it came to my mind that there is something more behind the EU plans, mostly in the environmental area. Hypocrisy.

Thursday, 23 February 2023

The arrogance of the European Union

There is one line connecting all the wannabe visionary, in reality chaotic, ideas of the EU. Be it green deal, ban of petrol cars, promoting liberalism and democracy, human rights and immigration. Behind all these actions that provoke, and rightly so, criticism for being a utopian vision instead of products of a rational thinking is one, big, unspoken idea. Idea that the EU is the world leader and that all the so-called innovations will be sooner or later followed by the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the leaders of the EU do not see the true nature of these actions – absolute arrogance.